Instinct Exclusive with Pop/Jazz Extraordinaire Spencer Day

Is it possible to make jazz music mainstream? Utah native Spencer Day might be the guy to do that in the very near future.

The astonishingly good looking singer (who also blends pop into his stellar songs) has been in the spotlight for close to 20 years now. He appeared on the CBS reboot of Star Search in 2002 and is best known for his 2009 song “Til You Come to Me” which peaked at number three on the jazz charts.

Jazz has really had a hard time finding its place on the charts (unless you’re Kenny G, as stereotypical as that is to write). How do you plan on changing that?

Well frankly, I think Jazz needs to get over itself. Being hyper obsessed with boxing oneself into a genre means the music is not turning into a museum piece. I think anyone attempting to write new and original work to carry on the vibe, both with spontaneity and the swing of it, should be welcomed.

And jazz infusions show up all over the place with singers like Sharon Van Etten and Billie Eilish and we should be thrilled for that. I think they’re creating something new and putting it into the world in its highest tier, no matter the genre.

In conclusion, what are your biggest hopes in your career?

To continue what I’m doing at an even higher level and hopefully, primarily for myself. I want to surprise myself with how far and even I can go and, in some small way, leave the planet a little better than I found it.

Spencer will also be playing at The Green Room 42 in NYC this Friday, June 21.

Read the entire Q&A at Instinct Magazine